Would You Drink from this Toilet?


I know you don’t drink water.  If you’re not drinking a beautiful glass of water then you’re surely not going to drink from even the nicest Kohler toilet in a brass and glass bathroom, right?

Then WHY is water pollution a big deal?  Hey, I don’t drink water anyway.

You are water.  Cars run on gas. Your machine, your body, is and runs on water.

You need water to make food…including flesh foods.  Animals and plants need clean water.

EARTH, the planet that we all forget we are living on IS A WATER PLANET.

ALL WATER IS CONNECTED.  Fresh water runs into the ocean.  The ocean and fresh water, supply 60-80% of THE AIR WE BREATHE.

It’s not like Jane or Joe the farmer can pollute their water and it doesn’t affect anyone else.  ALL water is recycled…all water is part of the water system of this planet.  It goes from the ground, to the air, to rain and back down.  If we ruin it, we ruin it.

Human beings have the ability to make decisions.  WE can decide to protect water or not.

This is not a cult or religion of “Climate Change”…this is taking basic responsibility for the basics we need as a species to survive.  #1 is WATER.

Will gross polluters create jobs?  Stock prices may soar?  What exactly are you paying for?  IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A BENEFIT?

Jobs are created in clean green technology too.

We need the EPA to improve, to make sure we are not exposed to toxins.  The EPA was started to protect folks from DDT.  DDT is NOT OK for humans or water.  Here are quotes from Rachel Carson the scientist who worked to start the EPA:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcWAdzIsAWs

Last year a cruise company paid 40 million dollars for POLLUTING. That is a lot of sh*t.  That affects EVERYONE.  http://fortune.com/2016/12/01/carnivals-princess-cruises-pollution/

With our car culture, and drive through coffee shops, many folks don’t drink water.  I’ve written on the benefits several times, but I know that many folks drink no water.  People drink coffee, soda, alcohol, anything but water.  It catches up to us in many ways, including hypertension, but it is what it is.

If you don’t want to make a stand for water, you may as well swim and drink from that toilet.  Water can be polluted beyond repair.  We must prevent damage and protect water–it’s literally our planet.

Don’t you want to leave our planet beautiful for the future?

Remember that if you don’t drink water, you should, and if you don’t care about water because you think you’re not drinking it, please think again:

Why IS water important to drink?  Here’s further info for your review.

Water Water Everywhere

Why Water?

Love to all,

Michele the Trainer

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