I know you don't drink water. If you're not…
Water Water Everywhere …Happy Earth Day!
This planet is mostly water as is your BODY. Earth Day starts INSIDE you…in your internal ecosystem.
Water…is it all created equal?…no! Tap water has all kinds of chlorine, etc. which is harmful to your body and your digestion (please book a session with me for more on that) overall.
Hydrating…you have to hydrate. Dr Batmanghelidj advises in his book, “The Body’s Many Cries for Water”, very simply: “to drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage I consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.”
Most other drinks are ROBBING you of either nutrition or hydration. Exception would be fresh squeezed organic juice. (and I don’t mean a BRAND called Fresh Squeezed…I mean the real deal, just to be clear). I can teach you how to juice.
This article linked below is VERY interesting, but there is one point they make on dry skin which I disagree with…they state, “you cannot in any way make your complexion more youthful by drinking water. Your body’s water-balance mechanisms are tuned with the precision of a digital chemistry lab, and you cannot possibly “hydrate” your skin from the inside by drinking an extra bottle or two of Perrier.” Our skin is an organ and it requires hydration and hydrated people have glowing skin!! Ask any beautician!
The Worldwide Thirst For Clean Drinking Water
“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” Coach, John Wooden
Drink some water today and this weekend! You need water on the weekend too!!
Happy Earth Day Everyone!
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