Michele the Trainer’s Spicy Heirloom Tomato String Bean Sauce

Michele the Trainer’s Spicy Heirloom Tomato String Bean Sauce


Tomato Season:  Michele the Trainer’s Spicy Heirloom Tomato String Bean Sauce

I’m so busy that when tomato season comes, I make the easiest one blender recipes I can come up with..here’s one for you!

Michele the Trainer’s Spicy Heirloom Tomato String Bean Sauce

Organic Heirloom Tomatoes—a Vitamix full  (giant powerful blender)

Handful of Organic Italian Parsley leaves

One Organic Poblano Chili (not hot)

BLEND in Vitamix

In Ganesta (giant tea ball/mulling ball), I put organic thyme and oregano (yes I fill it)

Then in a giant stainless pot:

Added the sauce

Added the Ganesta with the herbs (make sure it’s immersed)

Added a bag of Organic String Beans <they filled the pot>

One chopped Organic Onion

Two more Heirloom Tomatoes, chopped (just for texture)

One bag Crimini Mushrooms from Trader Joes (yes I know they are not organic..hey do the best you can!)

Celtic Sea Salt to taste

Organic Black Pepper to taste

Simmered until not really done, and then ate a big bowl of this sauce over an organic baked potato!

Remove Ganesta (giant tea ball/mulling ball) before storing

This made a good amount of sauce so I split it, and then used the rest to saute collard greens!

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