
Repetitive Competitive

  Fads in fitness and diet are usually not the best solution.  They hook us and then reel us in with fun, but injuries to the body or metabolism are not so fun.  Most of us who are fitness professionals know the difference.  Today it's one thing, tomorrow the next. …

The Pink Towel

A Workout Circuit should really only take 20-30 minutes to complete per exercise set.  It’s gym etiquette to allow someone to finish their circuit, unless they are sleeping on the job or watching a movie from the machine you want/need.  Please don't daytrade from the gym floor!  It is also…

We only get one body on this planet… S**t vs. Shinola

We only get one body on this planet..... It's important than to know .... S**t vs. Shinola Remember that movie The Jerk where Navin Johnson (Steve Martin) is taught the difference between s**t and shinola from his father?  (it's really a MUST see)   What if you went out to…

Water Water Everywhere

WATER WATER EVERYWHERE Your body, your vehicle for your soul is 60-70% water. I KNOW SOME OF YOU HATE IT....I USED TO HATE IT TOO. Remember folks, it's hot indoors and outdoors lately and there is NO replacement for water....fancy it up but you have to drink water. It's like working…

What is Your Superpower?

  What is your superpower? "Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." (author unkown) Is it algorithms? Isolating and fixing the toughest hardware bugs? That's not my superpower. My…

The Cube Moocher That Wouldn’t Leave

The Cube Moocher That Wouldn’t Leave… I always encourage everyone to drink more water; water water. Here is a way to get in more hydration during your workday.  Here’s the plan…we are going to learn to identify Cube Moochers and use them as a way to motivate us to get…

Innovation Incubation

You're smart!  You therefore feel an Einsteinish-entitled need to innovate or invent.  Superhero you can save the economy with your innovations; you change the USA from a nation of consumers to a nation of inventors.  Wow Google gives their engineering department a % of their salaried time dedicated to INNOVATION. …