
Thanksgiving Stuffing Cauliflower Rice with LOVE TO ALL from Michele the Trainer

  What a great day to share a new recipe for plant based Thanksgiving Stuffing Cauliflower Rice! Please read entire recipe before starting.  Please always use organic ingredients when possible. Fresh herbs set this off!  If you cannot get the sage, don't start this recipe! The ONLY ingredient I did…

Michele the Trainer’s Beer Gravy Recipe

Michele the Trainer’s Beer Gravy Recipe Think Oktoberfest.  Think Fall.  Think Thanksgiving! Use this gravy on potatoes, for Thanksgiving.  In the photo above it's depicted on mock beef (vegan!). Please read the entire recipe through before shopping.  Always use organic ingredients whenever possible. HANDFUL of fresh SAGE leaves, chopped (this…

Happy Unary Day 11.11.11!!

ON ON, ON ON, ON ON!!!  Happy Unary Day!! The Six ON's of Michele the Trainer that you can flip that digit to ON today!! Don't be an an ON!!  Go from ZERO to HERO!! Drink your water...since I'm not your wife, I can be your nag Get up…