
Does Stress Increase Productivity?

Does Stress Increase Productivity?  Of course not. Why do we associate relaxation with laziness?  Why do we associate mindful relaxation with a lack of productivity?  How will we ever be able to decrease stress in our lives without rethinking and re-framing this? Mindful relaxation is not Television watching, Wine or…

Infomercials and the Apocalypse

Who you would call if Zombies started appearing outside your door step? Are YOU Nimble for the Apocalypse?  Are you AGILE enough to save us all? We need you Nimble, Agile and Strong. Infomercial "fitness" is likely to result in INJURY (I can send you the studies) might think you're…

The Cube Moocher That Wouldn’t Leave

The Cube Moocher That Wouldn’t Leave… I always encourage everyone to drink more water; water water. Here is a way to get in more hydration during your workday.  Here’s the plan…we are going to learn to identify Cube Moochers and use them as a way to motivate us to get…