
Five Fun Fall Fitness Tips

Five Fun Fall Fitness Tips

Fall in Love with Being Outside. Observing nature is always better than watching TV. If summer is too hot for you, then autumn is a great time to revisit outside, enjoy the fall colors and cooler weather, and breathe some great air. The birds would love to see you. Fall…

Happy Unary Day 11.11.11!!

ON ON, ON ON, ON ON!!!  Happy Unary Day!! The Six ON's of Michele the Trainer that you can flip that digit to ON today!! Don't be an an ON!!  Go from ZERO to HERO!! Drink your water...since I'm not your wife, I can be your nag Get up…

Apple a Day!!

  Michele the Trainer agrees that An Apple a Day is Good for YOU is TRUE! (organic apples of course)     "Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." Bernard Baruch Here is one study that is probably true (as it aligns with pure…