Michele the Trainer

YES the Jicama Wraps “Tortillas” are GOOD -One Run to Trader Joe’s Series

YES the Jicama Wraps “Tortillas” are GOOD -One Run to Trader Joe’s Series

Do YOU know what a Jicama is?  Let's start there. If you don't email me and I will explain.  I have some recipes with jicama in my books and that is how I know that not everyone in North America knows about this hydrating inexpensive and delicious crunchy vegetable.  Ask…

Pumpkin Spice-y Curried Veg, featuring Kale and Cauliflower, a recipe guideline, by Michele the Trainer

Pumpkin Spice-y Curried Veg, featuring Kale and Cauliflower, a recipe guideline for you with love from Michele the Trainer Here’s a fat free way to make a delicious creamy curry with a fusion of fresh organic vegetables, one bag of frozen peas and one can/jar of pureed pumpkin.  This recipe…
What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

  What is Engineering Wellness, EngineeringWellness.com ? Engineering Wellness is my, Michele the Trainer’s, primary all topic blog. I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen, so blogging and authoring books is not only a passion, but a writer’s gotta write, so here we are.  This explanation is long…