
WHAT the heck is Cognitive Dissonance and WHY is it Important to Understand?

Cognitive dissonance, the term, can apply in many situations in our lives, from health to global issues. -- How do we come to know something? Cognition is how we process something; the act of knowing. Dissonance means inharmonious. “Disagreement or incongruity”. ( Here is the definition from Webster’s dictionary: “Definition…

Scuba Diving is my Thing. What Floats Your Boat?

Scuba Diving is my Thing.  What Floats Your Boat? Read this lovely blissful post by Shawna Hampton with FurnitureWorks.  Shawna asks a question and I thought it best to answer, you can read her post here: Shawna writes, "I want to know what you love. Give me three things...things you…

50 Ways to Lose your Liver

Ok maybe I'm 45 reasons short of 50 for a moment, but away we go; It's easier than you might think to lose or fail a liver. I have dear friends and clients, and I've LOSS-LOSS-lost friends to losing (or replacing) a's not a fun trip for anyone. I've…

Get Results and Get Started with Sexy Salads

You have no time, and Your body, your number one vehicle, needs delicious FUEL. The Mediterranean is full of Sexy Salads...time to upgrade everyone's food experience.  Italy is full of Sexy Salads! LOVE!!! Clean eating and fitness are a delicious love match.  We have no time and we need an…

What is Your Superpower?

  What is your superpower? "Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." (author unkown) Is it algorithms? Isolating and fixing the toughest hardware bugs? That's not my superpower. My…