
Five Fun Fall Fitness Tips

Five Fun Fall Fitness Tips

Fall in Love with Being Outside. Observing nature is always better than watching TV. If summer is too hot for you, then autumn is a great time to revisit outside, enjoy the fall colors and cooler weather, and breathe some great air. The birds would love to see you. Fall…

Repetitive Competitive

  Fads in fitness and diet are usually not the best solution.  They hook us and then reel us in with fun, but injuries to the body or metabolism are not so fun.  Most of us who are fitness professionals know the difference.  Today it's one thing, tomorrow the next. …

Gardening is CARDIO

    Gardening IS Cardio! How does Michele get Exercise from Gardening? Picture the scene...... It starts with gloves....and my Olivia Newton John headband.. Giant bags of soil are really difficult to move around...a bit of caution here regarding back health (be very mindful of proper lifting form)....just getting the…

I’m Not Perfect! Michele the Trainer voted Daily News Reader’s Choice Best Awards TOP Personal Fitness Trainer 2013-2018 Los Angeles

I'm Not Perfect!  I've won Top Los Angeles's Favorite Personal Fitness Trainer every year since 2003 !  Michele the Trainer voted Favorite in the Daily News Reader's Choice Awards Best Personal Fitness Trainer vote 2013-2018 Los Angeles, California USA. Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the recent Los Angeles…

Courage, Confidence and Crabs

Courage, Confidence & Crabs I can't do it for you! Do you have the courage and confidence to embark on your journey of health and wellness? Do you have the courage and confidence to ignore your unsupporters (crabs)? Do you have the courage and confidence to reassuring your entourage (friends and family)…

Get Results and Get Started with Sexy Salads

You have no time, and Your body, your number one vehicle, needs delicious FUEL. The Mediterranean is full of Sexy Salads...time to upgrade everyone's food experience.  Italy is full of Sexy Salads! LOVE!!! Clean eating and fitness are a delicious love match.  We have no time and we need an…
Your Body Is Your Temple; New Year New YOU!

Your Body Is Your Temple; New Year New YOU!

With every new moment, new day, new week and of course new year, we have a chance at a restart.  Every holiday can also be used as a restart opportunity!  At the new year, let's take an inventory of the last year, and ask ourselves the following questions: Since last…
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