
Entertainment Tonight features SPAS that carry Michele the Trainer’s Books

Entertainment Tonight features BOTH of the celebrity SPAS that carry Michele the Trainer's Books You can watch the video HERE! (it will load in less than one minute..make sure your sound is ON)  PKG_ET_DETOX_MED     877-409-1758 Michele@michelethetrainer.com See Michele’s Amazon.com Page Here: http://www.amazon.com/Michele-the-Trainer/e/B0075W9PJI www.michelethetrainer.com www.michelethetrainerwellness.com

Courage, Confidence and Crabs

Courage, Confidence & Crabs I can't do it for you! Do you have the courage and confidence to embark on your journey of health and wellness? Do you have the courage and confidence to ignore your unsupporters (crabs)? Do you have the courage and confidence to reassuring your entourage (friends and family)…