Snack Hacks for Working Late Nights

Snack Hacks for Working Late Nights



Working late? For all of us workaholics, the goal is to get it done and go home.

Night is a terrible time to eat overall.  We really want our digestion to have the night to take a break, hence the name “breakfast” for our morning meal.  We know working late happens, and we want to avoid being dehydrated and exhausted because that can lead to “driving through” on your way home.  Eating crap late at night is worse than eating some healthy small meals and snacks.  “Driving through” is a result of not being prepared and not planning.

Ideally taking a small planned mealtime at your normal dinnertime is preferred. If you have a quick light soup or salad you might not need any snacks.

If that can’t happen or in addition to that, here are my light easy suggestions:

1.  Drink water.  If we get dehydrated, we might mistake thirst for hunger later.
2.  Organic cherry tomatoes.
3.  Organic sugar snap peas.
4.  Organic carrot sticks or celery.
5.  Other organic veggies like bell peppers.
6.  Organic baked potato or baked sweet potato.

7.  Organic fruits.
8.  Air popped organic popcorn.
9.  Have Chinese food delivered and go for light but bountiful veggie dishes or soups.
10.  Bring organic veggie juice or a green smoothie

My first book, the Michele the Trainer’s Quick Start (Amazon) has excellent suggestions for light salads that are very quick to prepare.

Hopefully this list will give you enough ideas and hydration to get it done and make it home for a good night’s sleep!


Previously published on Quora and

For more Michele the Trainer follow me at @MicheleTrainer


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