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Periscope: Changing the World with Twitter and Cutting Edge Broadcasting Dynamics
In Episode 6 of my podcast, the Michele the Trainer Show podcast, I interviewed Michael Paine of StrangerArray. He and I discussed Periscope, a hot new social media app that allows users to broadcast video live via Twitter to their Twitter followers and viewers.
Periscope is exciting! The business and marketing applications of Periscope seem pretty limitless. Already there are hundreds of professionals (well, and not so professional too) using Periscope to help others and promote themselves at the same time.
What about Meerkat you might ask? Well Twitter bought Periscope and not Meerkat, therefore Meerkat is off my radar. Yes they are similar in function.
Periscope is an app that allows you to watch and broadcast your own videos from a mobile device. Unlike YouTube or Vimeo, the broadcasts on Periscope are LIVE. They are archived for 24 hours, but most of the broadcasts are simply viewed live.
Michael, in his blog post 10 Ways to Choose Yourself on Periscope, talks about many different ways to promote yourself and your message EFFICIENTLY on Periscope. He talks about being a teaching machine, an interview machine, a travel and tour machine, and much more. In essence, what he points out is that, while YouTube is great, Periscope is interactive. It allows the presenter to text and speak directly to viewers. It is a simple and mobile webinar platform.
If you’re going to be live, it’s best that you have a solid plan. That’s why Michael’s content interested me. He brought several smart content ideas to the table.
Periscope is the cutting edge of broadcasting dynamics. Technology is truly the great leveler of access and information. It allows anyone to host a live news broadcast from anywhere that can be seen anywhere instantly. Powerful stuff!
The geek in me wonders if Twitter will improve Periscope’s robustness, and I can’t imagine that happening without removing its Flash dependency. Flash is so ‘80s.
Nonetheless, Periscope is an undiscovered frontier of marketing and promotion opportunities that will lead people to a new form of communication. I am excited to see what people come up with and how they use Periscope to change our world.
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