Paypal and CreateSpace – How to Make Money

Paypal and CreateSpace – How to Make Money

LeahStellaThis “how to” topic is a request from Google Chosen YouTube Partner self described YouTube Experimenter and creative leader, Leah Stella, owner and creator of STELLABELLE’s World:

  1. EBOOK!   Start with your ebook. Do you have a dream or want to create a literary or photo legacy?  If you’d like to create an ebook, I can help you with that or any project, just ask:

Bonus!  You can use the Paypal solution for any widget or service you’d like to sell.

<<HEY!  Keep it somewhat clothed & legal folks :)>>


2. GET PAYPAL!  Paypal NOW has a physical credit card reader slider thingy that will attach to your iPad or smartphone!  They will send it to you FREE!  Get it!  Here is the link

Of course we are used to seeing this solution from Square, which would also work.

3.  “My ebook is an ebook, how can I sell it on a table?” you might ask.  Well you can use Amazon’s CreateSpace to print your ebook with a real binder on real paper, on demand.  You will need additional (excuse me sir, another round!) beyond-your-ebook-formatting to make sure your ebook is formatted correctly for CreateSpace.  This maybe more costly than printing in bulk like the big guys do, but hey, you will have your tangible real book in own sweaty palms.  Something to spill coffee on!

Images, illustrations and tables make book formatting more complicated.

4.  Sort it out (let me know if I can help), and then print some real books from your ebook via Amazon’s CreateSpace.

5.  Now what?  Now you have some real books to sell from a real table!  You will need an audience and probably a table.  Bring a nice tablecloth too!EarthDay1

IMPORTANT:  Test your credit card reader slider thingy from HOME or your OFFICE a few days before you have your table premiere.  You can do this by buying nothing from yourself for $1 as a test.  Test it out.Review the password.  Reboot your phone early before the event and check for necessary credit card reader updates.

Know before you go!



Thanks for the question Leah Stella!

If anyone has any questions, please send them to subject “Question”

Need Help?

Checkout my Amazon store here, where you can find my new ebook,

Matzah-pated 10 Tips to Prevent Constipation from Eating Too Many Matzahs:

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