Boo!! You can get it on your can get…
OOH That Smell…Is that Perfume or Anaphylaxis ?
I’ll be the first to admit, that I am guilty of bringing the exotic fruit Durian into the office and having my coworkers freak out thinking the smell was a gas leak and almost evacuating the second floor and calling the gas company. Yes I know we all remember that..LOL.
However, a worse offense than tropical fruit is perfume or cologne in the workplace. Has it ever happened to you? Do you have allergies that other people do not and therefore your cries for fresh air are ignored?
Long long ago I worked for a company called Ina-something, not long after Office Space came out with their company InaTech. I was a field engineer and at the home office the gas mask Dilbert series were printed and posted all over the office, but I could smell the aroma LONG before I even met Cologne Man…apparently he didn’t get it, or he simply didn’t care. We drove one time in his truck FAR FAR away to do server installs at some franchise banks. The whole time I kept wondering “How crappy can this guy smell without this stuff…I mean really?” Though I wasn’t confident I wanted to find out..anyway..
On the freeway I spied (I will never forget this) THE BIG BLUE BOTTLE OF COLOGNE in the center console and I SO wanted to grab it and fling it out the window across the freeway. But I resisted and spent the rest of the week enduring a raging headache.
From a wellness perspective, yes most retail fragrances are comprised of toxic chemicals.
Some people are more sensitive than others and sometimes some sensitivities can be improved by improving overall health, however I don’t recommend anyone inhale commercial fragrances, whether it be carpet fragrance or bathroom spray…none of that is natural. Allergies can cause serious shock (anaphylaxis) in some instances by definition (google that on your own–it’s important!). Organic oils are volatile and therefore they will go bad/rancid over time if they are not refrigerated, and that’s why you don’t see a plethora of essential oils even at health food stores. If you’re interested in high quality organic oils let me know.
I didn’t know that allergy suffering was worth TEN MILLION DOLLARS!
I want to hear your stories…I have no great solutions for this one..only that maybe you can print out these Dilberts. Print and post, and hopefully the offender will get the hint, before you have to buy a gas mask!
Next week’s topic? Email me your ideas!
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