I Have an Imaginary Friend



Grass Fed

These terms are everywhere to describe animal meat/flesh that is better for us, or better for the planet .

They con us into believing some imaginary fairy tale idea about the lives of animals on an imaginary farm.


It’s all simply bullsh*t.

The end result is the same. A dead animal in our kitchen.

If someone brought a dead animal, say roadkill, into our kitchen, we’d freak out.

(At the minimum we’d think it was unhygienic and probably try to call someone in a uniform working a dirty job to remove it.)

These marketing and sales adjectives that change the price, do not change the FACT that:

-the animal is dead

-the animal was slaughtered

-we bring a dead animal into our kitchen, where we eat

-we are eating death

Now the other FACT is that I do not have an imaginary friend.

We would probably judge that ANY adult that had an imaginary friend might not be the brightest bulb on the porch.

I also don’t believe in an imaginary farm.

  • I’m not imagining that killing an animal is humane.
  • I’m not imagining that I’m an artisan if I pay more for the imaginary farm burger.
  • I’m not imagining that a to-be-slaughtered animal is frolicking around in the sunshine singing and eating a picnic on the grassy peaks from of the Sound of Music.

Now when you see these terms, together we can identify the imaginary bullsh*t we are being fed.

Factory farming is so bad that I hear people say, “Manufacturing cows”.  Are we so far gone that we are imagining that we manufacture cows?

Or is it that the videos of factory “food” production (factory slaughterhouses and dairy factories) are so surreal we don’t really connect the dots that those zillion animals are actually living, breathing, and crying beings?

We also miss the smell. Imagine THAT.

Remember too, that real humans work there.  Amputations & Accidents of Slaughterhouse Workers

We are not manufacturing animals, we are killing them in droves and the waste from their diseased bodily fluids is another huge health issue for everyone.

Agree or disagree, but another truth is that we are all dying.

We can imagine what might be next.

We can imagine what kind of energy or karma we want to carry with us towards or after that journey.

It’s a choice that should be made with facts– not imaginary friends or farms.


Note: This is not a post regarding lab grown meat, franken meat, petri dish meat, cloned meat or other new weirdness people are trying out.


Any Questions?


Michele the Trainer

Engineering/Freelance Global Project Manager

Author, Public Speaker, Podcast Host at Michele the Trainer Show

Personal Trainer, Wellness Expert & Mentor/Lifecoach


Projects MTTCS: www.MTTConsultingSolutions.com

Speaking: www.MicheleTheTrainerWellness.com

Health/Wellness: www.MicheleTheTrainer.com

Michele’s Blog: www.EngineeringWellness.com

Nature Blog: www.LiquidHike.com

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