Gardening is CARDIO
Gardening IS Cardio!
How does Michele get Exercise from Gardening?
Picture the scene……
It starts with gloves….and my Olivia Newton John headband..
Giant bags of soil are really difficult to move around…a bit of caution here regarding back health (be very mindful of proper lifting form)….just getting the soil from the store, to the cart, to the car, to the yard on a warm day is work.
I plant everything in containers. Oh yes, even trees….try transplanting some trees on a 90 degree day and let me know if you think that’s not exercise :).
Since most of us don’t have a ranch (or acres to hoe…LOL), this ensures the greatest amount of exercise.
I usually buy the smallest plants available and then I gather a bunch of the largest pots/planting containers I can find. Once my dirt, plants, and bigger pots are setup in the same area, the madness starts. Filling the pots and transplanting the plants into them and then moving to different areas can create quite a session of moderate to intense work. Please be mindful of hydration especially if the weather is warm and/or you are in the sun.
If you are new to digging in the dirt, I would recommend starting off with 20-30 min of gardening 3 times per week to begin, as with most fitness activities. Also please start with some small plants…I would not recommend starting off with transplanting palm trees.
What does Michele Grow in her Garden?
I am so NOT a green thumb. Easy things to grow are tomatoes, strawberries, carrots and radishes. In my yard we feed the squirrels, so that disqualifies carrots and strawberries since they will eat them before I ever see them!
Tomatoes you can buy as little plants (if you want more strength and cardio, buy bigger ones and transplant into bigger pots–whew!!) and just stick them in another pot or in the ground. For tomatoes you can plant them a bit deeper in the soil so that the base of the plant has more support when it gets bigger. Let me assure you that even if you can’t grow a thing, most tomato plants (in California) will grow grow grow on their own. It’s very “mind-body” to watch plants grow, and tomatoes (as with all vegetables) are such a healthful and low calorie impact addition to one’s lifestyle program! How cool is it to add your own homegrown tomatoes to your salad!
For whatever reason, the squirrels don’t eat my tomatoes, so you are safe there!
My garden focus is not always the most practical as I get enamored by exotics, and again, I have no green thumb…..I try to focus my garden towards plants that either we can eat or that smell amazing or both, biblical plants (papyrus), or plants that attract bees, hummingbirds or butterflies. ((Most other plants to me are not that interesting, and I can’t grow anything that the squirrels will eat…so..))
Currently I grow tomatoes, oregano, chard, bok choy, 3 or more varieties of basil and mints, probably 6 varieties of lavender, jasmine, gardenias, salvia, different plumerias, jalapenos, habeneros, several passion flower vines, grapes, papyrus, hyssop, rosemary, bouganvelia (needed the color), some ferns (needed shade plants), trumpet flower trees, blooming cactus, avocado trees, some other mystery fruit trees that grew from seeds, and of course, I’m always trying to grow dates (oh that is a whole other story/project).
I’ve been queuing up my list of garden additions for the spring..this year I’m going to attempt to add Dill, Lemon Verbena (can’t find…need to order), different mint varieties, marigolds for organic pest control (seeds were a gift), and I would like to get more trees in like figs, Laural trees & citrus.
The vines are currently totally out of control, so that’s the first task when it gets a bit warmer…
I really enjoy watching things grow and bloom, and bringing the aromatics into the house is amazing. It’s just all good!
I don’t really own any furniture, but I sure do have a lot of containers. 🙂
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