"Smart for Then or Smart for Now? " Rick Grimes,…
OMG I Slipped my own DEADLINE
Funny how missing a deadline will ALWAYS create some built in panic, after years of worshipping the Road Map God (the ever omnipotent Release Date). Michele the Trainer posts on Friday..and OMG it’s Tuesday. Breathe Breathe Breathe…it’s okay :).
If we really want to BE the Change we Wish to see in the World (Ghandi quote), then we have to breathe, and not panic.
If you have too many emergencies…it really makes them all lukewarm, rather than HOT….
Please put what you CAN into perspective
- Identify what’s stressing you;breathe and regain control…<<yes you are in control!!>>
- Identify if it’s a big thing…or a small thing, and identify if you can fix it, or if it’s out of your control
- Prioritize and do what you can if you can fix it…can this wait? schedule it with your fine time management skills
- If it’s out of your control…surrender it and deep breathe…not all things are fixable by us…this is a hard one for those of us so used to fixing everything for everyone, but some things on this planet are out of our realm of expertise
This is part of managing stress….practice some deep breathing and we can learn to do our best!
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