
Is Your Gym Clean?

Gym Memberships can cost a lot annually and monthly. There is no guarantee of success or results, and there is often a lack of experience on the gym floor. Cleanliness is another top reason to hire a private trainer that is aware of environment and hygiene. For example, in a…

Cold with Twinges in your Hinges

Are you feeling Cold with Twinges in your Hinges?  Remember, EXERCISE is the best solution......Movement is the second M of Michele the Trainer! ♫•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫ Motivation•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫Movement♫•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫ Mindset •*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫ Here are some ideas for YOU!  Rechargeable Portable (water bottle) Heat Pack   I was on the phone w/a friend and she said…

GMO, Pesticides, The Ocean and Mother Earth

planet earth, and your body are made up of a lot of water Both systems are setup to clean themselves...our bodies have cardiac, and lymphatic systems and the ocean has waves and current and literal underwater rivers that cleanse the areas (until we build something that stops or alters the…

Wash Your Hands or Become a Zombie!

Boo!! You can get it on your toes...you can get it in your nose! Staph and MRSA are way scarier than any halloween post I could summon up...so here is a "more artsy than horrifying" hermosa coming at you. If you'd like to scare the sh*t out of yourself this…

Infomercials and the Apocalypse

Who you would call if Zombies started appearing outside your door step? Are YOU Nimble for the Apocalypse?  Are you AGILE enough to save us all? We need you Nimble, Agile and Strong. Infomercial "fitness" is likely to result in INJURY (I can send you the studies)...you might think you're…

OOH That Smell…Is that Perfume or Anaphylaxis ?

I'll be the first to admit, that I am guilty of bringing the exotic fruit Durian into the office and having my coworkers freak out thinking the smell was a gas leak and almost evacuating the second floor and calling the gas company.   Yes I know we all remember that..LOL.…

The Cube Moocher That Wouldn’t Leave

The Cube Moocher That Wouldn’t Leave… I always encourage everyone to drink more water; water water. Here is a way to get in more hydration during your workday.  Here’s the plan…we are going to learn to identify Cube Moochers and use them as a way to motivate us to get…

Radiation; Don’t Meltdown About Fallout!

Radiation; Don't meltdown about fallout...just make some organic soup!! All well wishes to the people, our friends and family in and of Japan and the world during this terrible tragedy. I’m sure we’ve seen the news regarding the radiation risks in Japan during this time of crisis. I’m not a…
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