Articles Written By: Michele

This author has written 237 articles

Prioritize your Stars..Don’t backburner them!!

Who are the Rock Stars on YOUR stage?  Who are the background singers?  Who gets Priority when it comes to your undivided unsmart-phoned attention?? Some people feel that if you're on the phone while in line at the store...that it's rude to the person working at the register.... Some people…

Coco Loco

Aloha Endless Summer-ites! To prevent heatstroke when it's hot hot hot, our bodies need some basic things: minerals/electrolytes hydration shade (including hat, light colored clothing, etc.) Staying hydrated with water and fluids is the foundation of fueling your body and your workout.  In the summer, walking outside is often enough…

Stop Ass Kissers

You are not alone!!  Let's agree to not feel the stress caused by Ass Kissers. Most engineers are observers. Most engineers are factual and terse. We need to talk about ass kissers and the unnecessary stress they cause observers. I can remember sitting in cube after cube in my career…

Calibrate those Eyeballs!

Portion Distortion is everywhere in the USA.  Our restaurant portions are enough for two or more adults. We think that's a normal amount of food because that's what we've seen on television for over 20 years. So we try what some magazine says..."oh I'll just eat a portion the size…

Take 5

Take 5 for YOU!! 5 minutes of deep breathing 5  fruits and 5 vegetables 5 minutes of stretching 5 minute break Keep it simple... Now here's the're enough to know you should do this.... Just take ONE deep breath right now...and pick ONE thing....and do it! It's like…

Bikini Summer!!

Do you see the same body as last year?  What about our INTERNAL body?  Are we working to PREVENT issues? When you start working in the dark of morning and don't leave work until the dark of evening.....and you are inside a year round same temperature building, with the same…

Healthy Independence

Happy Independence Day!!  Let's spend the weekend engaging in activities and eating foods that will INCREASE our Independence--for the long haul! Here's are 4 truths that will increase your independence! Our bodies need activity Our bones need nutrition. Our heart needs us to eat "heart smart" You are what you…

OMG I Slipped my own DEADLINE

  Habits... Funny how missing a deadline will ALWAYS create some built in panic, after years of worshipping the Road Map God (the ever omnipotent Release Date).  Michele the Trainer posts on Friday..and OMG it's Tuesday.  Breathe Breathe's okay :). Inhale Exhale If we really want to BE the…