Just do a During Work Workout!

A during work workout…when I see those articles I know that the author has never worked in a cube or a lab.  Whose idea is that?…a during work workout? Where the heck do they work?  How can I work, and not move from my cube so my micromanaging manager can stare at me, and eat lunch, and let’s not forget a bathroom break..all within my 40 minute lunch?

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, I did work at a place where we really did workout at lunch and we didn’t have to hide..and it really was ok to return to your never ending inbox in your gym clothes and cool down in your cube and change later during your break…those were the good ol days

So let’s take a looky around…..Cisco seems to have a gym…is it true?


and check out Google’s gym….(ok we know these are potentially actors and not real employees..)

Google’s Gym

Apparently someone has been stealing their weights…haha.

Well most of us don’t have all that.

We need a solution for reality and reliability….what can we really do.  The best solution is to walk to pickup your lunch from as far as you can manage, and walk back.  Is this a workout?  Well…yes and no…

Walking is FUNCTIONAL and we all need to walk.  Seniors/elders and people on airline flights are recommended to walk every 1-1.5 hours just to prevent deep vein thrombosis and other maladies of being immobile.

Tips:  Be mindful of your posture…suck in that gut, shoulders back,…get the eyes of the smartphone so we don’t have to put a helmet on you (this is also good for your cervical spine) and walk to pick up that salad from the furthest place you can order from.

It’s goal oriented…get food and comeback…so there is no misperception that you have nothing else to do but walk a groove into the street for no good reason.

It’s a multitasking win-win.  You are moving your body which helps you, your family and you got lunch too.  Walla!


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