Listen to Your Body Part 1: Should I Listen to my Body if my Body says, “Eat Bon Bons?”


Child listening


Above is an article called, “Why Four Workouts a Week May be Better Than Six”, which crossed my desk from a dear friend.  Thus the question is, “How many times a week should someone workout”

The correct comment is complicated, so here is Part 1 of 3.   The root has to do with listening to your body.

I can remember a time when my yogi friends would say, “Listen to Your Body Michele”, but 30 years ago, my body said,

“Sit on the Couch and Eat Bon Bons Michele”….Yes, I was a fat kid, but I was pretty clear that the healthy people’s inner answers MUST have been different.

My inner poor guidance answers were a loud and clear directive.  I did not need to pretzel my way towards inner peace to hear junk food calling my name <enter Tiny Tim Voice Here> “Michele, Michele”….from those snack bags and boxes.

Listen to Your Body is my first answer to “How Many Days a Week Should Someone Workout”….but here’s the thing;

some people know how and when to listen, some people don’t know when to listen, and some people listen to the Bon Bon Directive, because someone else told them to listen…and maybe they didn’t know they weren’t ready to listen.

There should be some barometer/measure of reason—Like having a great mentor!

Intensity of workout, fueling your workout and recovery are the others factors that we will discuss in “Part 2”


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