Thanks For All the Fish

What IS the answer to life, the universe and everything???

type it into google search, hit enter, and see for yourself what the answer is…

“If I knew I would live this long..I would have taken better care of myself”

Q’s 4 U::

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?
What was your most memorable childhood birthday fiesta?

When I was your age, we didn’t have bounce houses: I had a lot of responsibility young, so I still feel very young (and I never got I never feel older)…I had a few memorable childhood parties including kite flying and bubbles (bubble gum and soap bubbles with contests of course).

My fitness clients are ages 2 to 98 ..and really..age IS just a’s the quality of the machine that is your body..PAIN FREE LONGEVITY is our goal in the HEALTHIEST body possible…but hey, we’re engineers and we like numbers….

This month is the end of my year being the significant age of “the answer to life, the universe and everything”…

What have I learned in my 42nd year?

  • normal people don’t receive bad news via email…no matter how many years you dished it out in technical support
  • if humans didn’t have a collar bone, like cats don’t have a collar bone, we would be in all sorts of trouble…
  • we should pay better attention to this video:

Next milestones??  Discount movie ticket age and a better marathon running age group!!  Wooo hooooo!!

remember…it’s time to transform yourself, one small change at a time, so we can enjoy the fittest, healthiest, most pain free longevity possible….

thanks for your support…and thanks for all the fish….


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