Winning with Wellness or Leaning towards Lip Service?

Winning with Wellness or Leaning towards Lip Service?

Group Of Business People Wearing Party Favors

Workplace wellness programs can vary from an inexpensive employee based program, “Hey Fred, are you leading the walking group today?” to the other extreme of investing in new construction featuring large wellness buildings, gyms and even basketball courts at a workplace.  But here’s the thing…The program, no matter how comfortable or how luxurious, will only work if the people that need the program are motivated to use it.  The 3M’s of Michele the Trainer are Motivation, Movement and Mindset, not because I’m a poet, but because I’ve enjoyed the ride from obesity to health, and I know what it takes to work in an office and regain health simultaneously.

The last office I worked in, I sat right in front of the birthday area.  I brought in tall plants to hide behind (Les Nessman had a masking tape door, but I had a plant barricade) so I could eat my organic cherry tomatoes and apples with some privacy while everyone else ate ice cream cake.  I was an engineer in test and measurement, so I timed how long it took for the office party’s food coma to hit them.

It took 17 minutes from “candles out” before they were either passed out from food allergies or sluggishly grasping for the caffeine.  Any good or interesting work that came in during that time slice was all mine…LOL.

Here is how the 3M’s of Michele the Trainer, Motivation, Movement and Mindset, can help you maximize your Wellness Program:


The wellness program might exist but folks have to be MOTIVATED, the first M of Michele the Trainer to participate.  Often the folks that need it most are the last to participate.


Moving more is the core of any program.  Movement is the second M of Michele the Trainer.  There is no delegating or outsourcing movement.  Everyone wants to see more participation.  That’s where the fun happens!

The Lighter side of Lip Service:

With any wellness effort, we might find some mixed messaging.  “Everyone please join the wellness program!” is one directive, and down the hall the other hand is beckoning everyone to come and sing Happy Birthday over a deep fried ice cream cake.  This is another great opportunity to apply my 3M’s, especially the third M, Mindset.  Remember not everyone in the office is ready for a kale salad at a birthday party!  I have several “everyone can win” suggestions to offer as this issue comes up often, just ask me.


So are you going to eat the deep fried birthday cake or will you stay the course?  Staying in the Mindset to make good food and health choices at every meal is another key to success.  Poor lifestyle choices surround us via all of our senses.  Motivation and movement (and Michele…it helps to know you are not alone!) will help you stay in the Mindset!

Together we can live the 3m’s; Motivation, Movement and Mindset, and not cave in to Lip Service.

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