The Guidance You Need, The Easy Way

The Guidance You Need, The Easy Way

by Michele the Trainer

Do you ever feel like you need some help?

Have ever thought to yourself, “What if?”

“Where would I be now if I had the confidence to do…?”

“Will my life improve if I make this choice, instead of that one?”

“Am I wasting time? What if I was more efficient and focused in my life?”

“What if?” is exactly what a Life Coach helps you answer.

A Life Coach shouldn’t be selling some magic food or supplement or trying to tell you how to live your life.

A great Life Coach listens to your priorities and talks about your dreams and needs. Together, you forge a plan to get you to where you want to be. Your Life Coach uses their wisdom, experience, and active listening to help you find the right questions to ask. Then together you look for the answers.

Cathy needed a Life Coach. She had job, but wasn’t really sure whether to stay with it or to starting her own consulting business. The question was more than simply financial; she had enough money in the bank to be able to take the leap and still live well for years.

The real questions had to do with her ability to work for herself, confronting fears and rejections, and how to arrange everything, so that her life flowed smoothly.

Cathy found my website and arranged her free consultation. She come off as a smart, successful business woman. As we dug a little deeper, Cathy was chronically unhappy. She didn’t like her job, but was afraid to make a change. Listening further, it came out that Cathy’s dog passed away recently and the loss was really scrambling her head. Like most working folks, she was working so much that she didn’t have time to grieve the loss of her beloved pet.

I am is someone who, through experience and training, can help people to find their way in a confusing world.  I have a strong network of professional friends and if she needed a grief professional referral, I made that available to her. She really just needed to talk about it for a couple of hours to someone who understood the big picture and was on her side.

Very often, the issue isn’t that we don’t know what to do, it’s that we just need to work with someone and budget the time to hear our options in our own voice when we speak them to our advocates. After Cathy talked to me about her dog, she was able to sleep better and then one day she called me and told me her plan in a very confident voice.

Cathy decided that the best thing for her was to open a consulting business, in a whole new city on the other end of the country from where she was living. After three years, she is still a client, but we talk about once a month and together we help keep things on track for her. She is a very successful business consultant and is very happy with a new rescued puppy. I helped her with efficiency details such as moving companies, dog help, etc.

My online/remote Life Coaching is meant to help you find your way. I won’t tell you what to do, but, as an unbiased assistant and advocate, I will help you figure out what you really want to do. I have never recommended that people change their lives in a way that makes them uncomfortable, but I will encourage them to reach beyond their comfort zone when it is a move toward their ultimate goal.

Online Life Coaching is the guidance and assistance that you need to move to the next step. They are your steps, but I can help you to motivate yourself, move yourself forward, and build a mindset that is more powerful than ever before.

We work by phone, email, and Skype. We can have contact as often as you need to move your progress forward. I will hold you accountable, but every decision is yours and all of the success will belong to you.

Please call me (or email) today for a free consultation. 877-409-1758


Michele the Trainer

Author, Public Speaker, Podcast Host at Michele the Trainer Show

Personal Trainer, Wellness Expert & Mentor/Lifecoach


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