
What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

  What is Engineering Wellness, EngineeringWellness.com ? Engineering Wellness is my, Michele the Trainer’s, primary all topic blog. I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen, so blogging and authoring books is not only a passion, but a writer’s gotta write, so here we are.  This explanation is long…
Away with the Unnecessary! What are some things people still do that are no longer necessary?

Away with the Unnecessary! What are some things people still do that are no longer necessary?

Let's start thinking about a smarter future. To make time and space for innovation, we have to leave the things that do not serve us behind. Here are some answers I've collected from idea generating friends and myself: College, teach yourself. Grammar (online grammar police are labeled as such) TV…