
The Walking Dead, “Smart for Then or Smart for Now?”

The Walking Dead, “Smart for Then or Smart for Now?”

"Smart for Then or Smart for Now? " Rick Grimes, Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 13 I choose Smart for Now! One of my fantastic clients recently introduced me as Michele the Trainer an amazing Entreprennaire (extraordinary entrepreneur).  That intro meant a lot to me.  It takes a lot of…

Cost of Obesity is $11,881,507,282!!!

Weight problems cost California FORTY ONE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! Cost of Obesity in LOS ANGELES is $11,881,507,282!! Those of us who have been obese or overweight can list for you the costs associated with being overweight.  Food obviously costs more--which I know folks can argue that healthy food costs…

Bikini Summer!!

Do you see the same body as last year?  What about our INTERNAL body?  Are we working to PREVENT issues? When you start working in the dark of morning and don't leave work until the dark of evening.....and you are inside a year round same temperature building, with the same…

Apple a Day!!

  Michele the Trainer agrees that An Apple a Day is Good for YOU is TRUE! (organic apples of course)     "Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." Bernard Baruch Here is one study that is probably true (as it aligns with pure…

OOH That Smell…Is that Perfume or Anaphylaxis ?

I'll be the first to admit, that I am guilty of bringing the exotic fruit Durian into the office and having my coworkers freak out thinking the smell was a gas leak and almost evacuating the second floor and calling the gas company.   Yes I know we all remember that..LOL.…