
Will Exercise Make you Fat?

                Will Exercise Make you Fat? Can you put weight while or after working out ? You betcha! It all comes down to the C word...Congratulations.  We can't congratulate ourselves (input) more than our output (exercise). One time I did one of those…

Life is Like a Manta Ray

Manta Rays can be huge, easily 20 foot wing span and they fly through the water like an extremely large eagle type bird. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manta_ray If you're in the ocean and you can't see the bottom, sometimes, you can see just the white part of the Manta, in really deep water.…

Bikini Summer!!

Do you see the same body as last year?  What about our INTERNAL body?  Are we working to PREVENT issues? When you start working in the dark of morning and don't leave work until the dark of evening.....and you are inside a year round same temperature building, with the same…

BBB: Beware of Bagel Belly

Back in the day when "fat free" foods were all the rage...those of us who were dieters thought that bagels were "free" because they had no fat.  What we didn't know then was about gluten and the possible allergic affects of anaphalytic shock associated with gluten allergies...you can google high…