Sunflowers & Michele the Trainer’s Sunny Sunflower Seed Salad Pate

I wrote a song called Sunflowers, have you heard it?

We are what we eat.

Choose to eat compassion and sunshine.  Sunflowers are full of sunshine!

Here’s a quick and dirty Sunflower Seed recipe.

I like the raw ones from Trader Joes.

Michele the Trainer’s Sunny Salad Pate

First we’re going to blend sunflower seeds up like hummus.

Into the food processor with S blade:

Raw sunflower seeds 2 cups

Tahini 1 cup

Garlic (to taste)

Lemon juice (start with 1tbsp and add to taste)

Add salt after to taste (don’t add until you can taste it, you can stir some in at anytime)

you might need a bit more lemon juice or water to process it until it blends like hummus

Remove your processed sunny pate to a large bowl and fold in:

  • diced celery
  • diced spring onion
  • diced carrots
  • diced dill pickles

once the veggies are folded in, now taste it for salt (and you can add some pepper too)

Optional: add avocado chunks

Serve on a salad or with crackers or make a giant wrap or sandwich 🙂  Try it with a bit of Dijon mustard.

Pairs well with Sunflowers the song 🙂

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