What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

  What is Engineering Wellness, EngineeringWellness.com ? Engineering Wellness is my, Michele the Trainer’s, primary all topic blog. I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen, so blogging and authoring books is not only a passion, but a writer’s gotta write, so here we are.  This explanation is long…
Lentil Pasta Chow Mein Asian Meal Guidelines – One Run to Trader Joe’s Series

Lentil Pasta Chow Mein Asian Meal Guidelines – One Run to Trader Joe’s Series

This is and is not a recipe. It's a quick and dirty course mealplan. You will need 2-3 burners and your oven.   Note that this isn't a precise recipe, it's guidelines, for those of you that can multi-task, mealplan/prep or simply just throw something together.  If that's you, you got…

Delicious Easy Slow Cooker Italian Puntarelle and Lentil Soup

Delicious Easy Slow Cooker Italian Puntarelle and Lentil Soup Ciao Bellas, I was defeated by a Puntarelle. Puntarelle is not a football move, or a ballet…..it’s not a story of a girl who wants to go to the ball and loses a glass slipper… it’s a vegetable. I found it…