Music with Michele
Music with Michele
Because flowers and fish cannot sing.
Discover Michele’s Music YouTube Channel, Music With Michele
page 1 Michele’s Music Learning Adventure’s Imperfect Productions
Make noise.
When I’m 100 years old I’d rather be looking for my guitar than the remote control.
We all have a voice and should use that voice, whether living, writing, singing or all.
Health gives you the energy and capacity to learn and to create. I appreciate that.
I’ve been learning guitar for a couple of years.
Here are some of my practice recordings. Some are even just cell phone recordings. (Yes I made these super simple videos too.) Listed with latest-creation-first (newest on top and scroll down for older recordings) since we all hope I’ll continue to improve:
Blackbird, snippet, February 2020 :
Meet my Fender, Angelo the Tangelo. My struggle for timing, singing and fingerpicking at the same time-some songs easier than others. You can tell by my nails this was around Valentine’s Day (and before the world flung us all adrift on a raft I call the Quarantiki).
Corduroy, January 2020:
A belt-y Pearl Jam song cover, a totally imperfect production where I forgot to remove the metronome so no video:
Audio PlayerMeatplow January 2020:
This is a Stone Temple Pilots song that is fun, but not that vocally interesting. I am playing powerchords and singing, but still with some fancy guitar help. Powerchords took me a long time to imperfectly manage!
Burden in my Hand 2020–no video, simply audio:
Please do NOT listen to this with headphones. My vocal gift is belting. Would you like to hear me clearly yet imperfectly belt out a song? New year, new equipment and new problems! The end of 2019 brought an audio interface into the mix, which moved some recordings from the cell phone to the laptop, Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 and then I dusted off my Audio Technica microphone. Still imperfect with volume issues, peaking, some trial editing pain, lots of errors and background noise, but clearer (for better and worse). I’m not playing any instruments here so no video. This is a Soundgarden (written by Chris Cornell) song cover:
Audio PlayerLike a Stone December 2019:
This is a cool song by Audioslave, also written by Chris Cornell. I’ve always been a huge Cornell (RIP 2017) fan for his sound, smart lyrics and music. Learning from listening to him really elevated my singing. This arrangement is super fun and the song (many songs are) is harder to play and sing at the same time. Note that my guitar has a capo and is a bit out of tune, but oh well, I’ll fix it next time.
Man Who Sold the World December 2019:
Who knew? I will never forget hearing Kurt Cobain (in a recording) say that this song was written by David Bowie. The fun strummy playing is me. Simply fun fast practice.
Black Hole Sun December 2019:
Back to Cornell. While this isn’t my favorite song of his, it has that one epic lyric line, “No one sings like you anymore…” so I feel it was important to learn. He taught me a lot and I salute that. Here I’m playing and singing, but literally only strumming one guitar chord at a time (extreme minimal playing of root notes only). It was a long learning road even to get here, because long before the guitar arrangement, my assignment was one chord at a time plucked on a borrowed bass.
Music with Michele Imperfect Productions
Vocal Demos, with professional musicians
Voice with Electric Bass emphasis only, for music freaks
Love the Beatles? Indian Yoga Music in Sanskrit and some Beatles history
TJP-The Jazz Project
This page- Michele’s Music Learning Journey, where I’m actually playing some guitar, experimentation, and super practice-y content
Thanks for your time and I encourage your ideas
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