Repetitive Competitive



Fads in fitness and diet are usually not the best solution.  They hook us and then reel us in with fun, but injuries to the body or metabolism are not so fun.  Most of us who are fitness professionals know the difference.  Today it’s one thing, tomorrow the next.  What’s your history or stories about fad fitness or food?

Repetitive use can cause injuries and there are joints in the body that tend to not like overuse.

Sheesh, you can even get a Repetitive Strain Injury from using a computer!

What about Repetitive Competitive Boutique Gym Programs? –you know the one  – the competitive one

The reason I don’t host a weight loss competition is because competition can be dangerous, and that’s not my message.  People will starve out or do all sorts of cheating unsafe things just to win…Just ask the Tour de France people…

If I’m trying to compete with fad fitness ads and television, doing more kettlebell swings with more weight for MORE REPS… and we can all get shoulder surgery or hernias repaired together..(haha “you’ll shoot your eye out”)

If your gut, before you rip an inguinal,  says, “I wanted to do more but I didn’t want to risk getting injured”.

LISTEN TO YOUR GUT.  If you have any questions, call me!


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