Michele the Trainer’s Beer Gravy Recipe

Michele the Trainer’s Beer Gravy Recipe

Think Oktoberfest.  Think Fall.  Think Thanksgiving!

Use this gravy on potatoes, for Thanksgiving.  In the photo above it’s depicted on mock beef (vegan!).

Please read the entire recipe through before shopping.  Always use organic ingredients whenever possible.

HANDFUL of fresh SAGE leaves, chopped (this is the only ingredient that is not at Trader Joes. Sage grows during the fall in California or check your other local stores)

1 Guinness beer (or the darkest beer you can find)

1 package Cremini sliced mushrooms (Trader Joes)*  You can add more onions but for your first time making

1 Mirepoix –prechopped celery/onions/carrots(Trader Joes-produce section)

2 tbsp NOOCH (Nutritional Yeast)

2 tbsp Celtic or Himalayan salt

Black pepper to taste, don’t be shy

Simmer with cover on and off, stirring frequently (let the alcohol burn off)

It’s soooooooooooo good….*the more onions, the better!

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