Innovation Incubation

Thomas Edison

You’re smart!  You therefore feel an Einsteinish-entitled need to innovate or invent.  Superhero you can save the economy with your innovations; you change the USA from a nation of consumers to a nation of inventors.  Wow Google gives their engineering department a % of their salaried time dedicated to INNOVATION.  Awesome!– But reality is that your current job doesn’t allocate time for you to innovate.

Juniper has an interesting and budget rich strategy for innovation, the incubator x 5:

Innovators Dilemma

Here’s the thing…if you’re too exhausted to read your own code , you probably won’t have that many fascinating innovations even if you were allocated 20% of your worktime to innovate…so what’s your solution?
Michele the Trainer‘s (my) 3 M’s are:

So what is your innovation solution? ……WORKOUT! with an innovative MINDSET!
If you use your workout time to THINK and use that time to be CREATIVE, it’s multi-tasking and USEFUL.
If you dread working out and feel like it’s a waste of time, it can be a suffering…let’s face it, when you are tasked with a zillion tasks, your mind can mess you up and make you feel unjustified using the time to ride a stationary bicycle. That’s why MINDSET is important!!
SO JUSTIFY YOUR WORKOUT by using it as YOUR OWN PERSONAL INNOVATION TIME. You know you need to workout, and there is NO better time to THINK than when doing cardio…(walking, running, cycling, ellipticalling). With a trainer, you can THINK during your entire workout, because the trainer has already programmed your workout!! Workout!! Innovate!! Save the economy…all at the same time!! That’s why it’s one of the habits of highly effective people!


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