With every new moment, new day, new week and of…
5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me…
a JOURNAL and a pen
You can get your own Michele the Trainer Journal here, and if you ask nicely I can also send you a pen!
Attention to detail!! You can gain more weight than you think during the holidays if you don’t pay attention. We can’t eat everything that is advertised to us and we can’t eat at every restaurant that has a nice commercial.
Here are some practical tips that will help you not loathe the New Year.
- Journaling is the best way to keep track of what’s going into your pie hole…there are several free online ways to track your food as well. Write down what you eat so you will know just how many cookies you just ate!
- Move! Keep moving!! If it’s cold outside use the great indoors!
- Drink more water!! Step away from the soda and festive beverages!!
- Sleep well and make sure that relaxing is a task!
- Go for a walk with the family…or walk the dog….do something active with your family rather than just watching movies!!
There is always some holiday or another.. we want to remain healthy or get healthier as we age….not the opposite!
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