Does Stress Increase Productivity?


Does Stress Increase Productivity?  Of course not.

Why do we associate relaxation with laziness?  Why do we associate mindful relaxation with a lack of productivity?  How will we ever be able to decrease stress in our lives without rethinking and re-framing this?

Mindful relaxation is not Television watching, Wine or Pharmaceuticals…that’s not the healthy-learning-to-relax-via-body-and-breath relaxation I’m referring to.  When I taught relaxation to Los Angeles Unified school teachers, I told them, “We can’t expect the children to relax, or learn to relax from us, if we are commanding that they relax, with a martini and Valium in our hand.  We have to learn it so we can experience it, and then we can teach it.”

It’s perceived that we have to be “in the zone”, after 20 canned caffeine and guarana drinks, because oh ya, that teeth clenching and TMD in your TMJ (Temporomandibular joint and disorders) signifies that we’re super productive.

The article below, “Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are” by Meredith Fineman is a great read, and it reminded me to write this post.  My reason for addressing this is that I would like to see more relaxation in the world, achieved via mind body and breath.   It is a learned activity.  Relaxation Yoga in the workplace, for example, could increase efficiency. However, we have to evolve beyond the  perception that we are only more productive if we’re drinking coffee/caffiene in the afternoon, rather than doing yoga.

Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are

by Meredith Fineman

Yes, I know how hard it is to workout during a workday.  I get it:

However, if 20 minutes on the mat during the day decreased the risk of stress related illness and disease, such as heart issues and hypertension, imagine the MONEY saved.

If there were more serious programs for stress reduction in the workplace, maybe everyone would realize how much more could be accomplished.  Decision makers need to experience relaxation to understand and utilize the benefits!

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