Distilled Water and Our Health

Water and health care are expensive.

This planet, and our bodies are made of water!

In many cities everyone buys drinking water because tap water is either unavailable or contaminated. While we can do some tests like PH, most folks do not, and most of us cannot test for impurities.

We can take a minute to observe how drinking different water tastes, or how it makes us feel. Any tea drinker can tell you if their tea tastes better or worse.   I can tell the difference after just a few cups of a different water, can you?

Distilled water is a choice that most have disregarded because we used it in our iron, or because it has no minerals, but it is a pure clean choice.

Water is vital to our life and health — let’s take another look at integrating distilled water into our lives.

Distilled Water Can Help Me Lose Weight

 A common question is whether drinking not just water, but distilled water, can help you lose weight. Distilled water is a detoxifier, which flushes out excess material in fatty tissues and organs. Contaminants in water can hinder your body’s natural ability to burn fat. By drinking pure distilled water, your metabolism may naturally burn more as you go about your daily activities.  Do we really need to read further?  😉

Distilling Water Removes Its Minerals

 If you need minerals, make some soup!  (You can search this site or online for more Michele the Trainer soup recipes) http://www.engineeringwellness.com/michele-the-trainers-sexy-organic-potato-soup/

Yes you can use distilled water to make your soup too!

Minerals are essential to the body and distilling water removes minerals, so that must be a bad thing, right? It’s actually ok.

We get the majority of the minerals we need from food, not water. In fact, if we depended on drinking water solely for minerals, we’d have to drink hundreds of gallons just to get our necessary recommended daily intake.

But what’s the point in removing minerals from drinking water? The answer is simple: Many of the minerals found in water are actually toxic and even radioactive in nature. Some minerals have even been found to cause cancer. Since our bodies are made of water it’s imperative to our health to drink water that does not contain known contaminants.

Humans today drink plenty of other things that are worse than water, that also has no minerals, or like coffee and soda, which leach minerals from our bodies.


I filter my water why would I need a Distiller?

Filtering is not distilling.

Distilled water uses two containers. (In our example it’s a stainless steel distiller and then the jug vessel that we can pour from)

Distilled water goes through a process of boiling and condensation and is then reformed into liquid. The toxins and impurities that do not boil below or at the boiling point remain behind in the first vessel, leaving us with refreshing impurity-free water.

Water filters, on the other hand, remove impurities by straining water to remove large components. We may think that filtering water means it’s clean, but, in reality, many impurities will still make their way into our glass of water.

Water distillation is by far the superior method and cannot be compared to water filtration.

Drinking Water may have known Carcinogens that I can avoid with Distillation

 Unless you skipped the previous paragraph, this will not come as a surprise. As we stated, drinking water harbours many toxic and radioactive minerals, some of which have been found to be carcinogenic.

Water distillation removes these toxic minerals. Let’s take, for example, chlorine. According to Cancer Research UK, chlorinated water can marginally increase the risk of developing certain cancers. Ask yourself: why would we pay for and risk drinking water that has even a “marginal” risk of harming our body?

 If you’re paying for drinking water, you know the costs can add up.  If you’re paying for healthcare, we all know those costs are sky high.  Together we can make more informed decisions about what we put in our bodies, for our good health and longevity.

Visit me at MicheleTheTrainer.com & Please drink some water for your health!


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