A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats


Today the world needs love and unity. We can have that, and success too, if we help each other.
Judy Reagan, author and songwriter from New Orleans, said this to me when she helped me with my podcast a few years ago, “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats”. It’s a quote from the USA President Kennedy era. I love it.
We can succeed without being selfish or self-absorbed.

We can help each other. It doesn’t have to be “Follow Me” or “Me me me.” It takes two to tango and relationships can have some reciprocity (exchange).

Here are some ideas that spark when I read this quote:

  1. Surround yourself with boats, not anchors. Find good people.
  2. Nobody is perfect but good is always good, if someone is consciously trying to be good.
  3. Help your good people locally.
  4. Help your good people online.
  5. How can I help someone online? Read, listen, watch, share, attend, promote, upvote, resteem, like, love, heart, etc.
  6. Commenting is a golden way to help someone online (I thought that merited its own number).
  7. Connect good folks. Be polite. Ask permission first.

Let me give you an example. There is a new small art gallery near the beach here in Los Angeles. I was exercising out there one day, saw they were open and popped in. I was sweaty and messy. I accidentally met the owner/curator and his team. He was having an upcoming event. They were nice and seemingly down to earth; just trying to get their small business started. I knew I couldn’t go to his event due to a prior commitment, but I took a phone photo of his flyer and emailed it to some LA artist friends.
Hours later in the day I was an hour or two away from that beach gallery and I received a text, that one of the artists connected with the gallery curator and they were both excited to meet each other. The owner/curator remembered me and today we are all great pals.
I was eating hummus in another county/a different zip and area code, when I received that message about the grand connection between the artist and the curator/owner. It warmed my heart and made me smile.

  1. Focus on how we are similar, not different.
  2. Don’t let the anchors run your boat aground. Manage your time and priorities with your good association.
  3. Be kind.

Simply remember Love, Unity, and A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats. It makes a difference!

Post by Michele the Trainer and published previously on Steemit

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