What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

What is EngineeringWellness.com ? The Blogs of Michele the Trainer part 1, EngineeringWellness.com

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What is Engineering Wellness, EngineeringWellness.com ?

Engineering Wellness is my, Michele the Trainer’s, primary all topic blog. I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen, so blogging and authoring books is not only a passion, but a writer’s gotta write, so here we are.  This explanation is long overdue.

Why the name EngineeringWellness.com?

Engineering (telecommunications/computers) because my first career, longest career, and passion is technology.  I have many years of experience as an engineering project manager, managing many international projects as well.  Once a geek, always a geek.

Wellness because my second career is wellness; healthy lifecoaching, personal training, and more.  (Visit MicheleTheTrainer.com  Creating my own healthy lifestyle improved my life significantly, and is another passion of mine.  I guide others who also want to experience the immeasurable benefits of having health as wealth (no fads, gimmicks or bs).  I lost 165 pounds holistically in the 90s, so maintaining my health and agility is a very important part of my life.  Michele the Trainer is simply who I am; I walk the walk.

When I left corporate engineering to become an engineering project management consultant and launched my wellness career to become a full time health advocate, that’s when I started EngineeringWellness.com.  It just made sense.  Well to me it did.  Did it to you?  (Today I find that often seemingly witty titles don’t always make sense to everyone else.)

What do I blog about?  All the things! Since we know a writer’s gotta write sometimes one just wakes up with an idea that begs to be shared.  Some topics are about making a point or sharing an opinion.  I also answer questions, I often document recipes that I actually use (truth talk-so I can find/Google my own recipes later, haha), interviews, art, music, travel essays,  recommendations, critiques, healthy lifestyle tips, and more.

You can search the tags or for topics, or request topics too.

Tech topics of interest to me today are autonomous vehicles, transportation technology and renewable energy.  Of course I’m also watching how blockchain technology will improve over time and how big businesses will integrate blockchain tech.

Regarding wellness, instead of boring myself (and you) sharing all my workouts on social media or making workout videos in shiny leotards or posting every smoothie or squat on Instagram, my content  is generally an authored by me answer to a question, or sharing an educated opinion regarding old or new fitness fads. All of my wellness clients enjoy confidentiality, so I don’t blog or share anything about them (most of my private clients are not bathroom selfie stars or even gym lovers, so everyone’s privacy is respected/their success stories are their own to share or not).

Some humans love a niche.  Not me.  I am a renaissance woman; a polymath. I am not an expert at all things, but I am experienced in a few areas that I write about.

Mostly not included on EngineeringWellness too much is my eternal personal passion, the ocean. (It does seem to seep into most of what I do or write, and of course, cannot be boxed in.)

Today I also maintain a few other published blogs:

LiquidHike.com, (yes another witty confusing title) my first nature blog featuring more terrestrial nature and settings because Oceans and ocean inhabitants will be now be featured on

OceanProtectionLeague.com (finally a clearer title) which will become available to read/visit soon!

I’m a sought after speaker for many topics, custom topics, and invited writer/expert in several other publications such as Medium, Quora and for a few select health companies as well.

My healthy lifestyle has enabled me to continue being a leader in fitness/wellness, marketable in tech and with a capacity to quickly learn so many things.  Wow, that’s another great blog post idea for EW!

In 2019 I’m writing often regarding Sustainability, I’m top writer on Medium for Sustainability, and will likely share some of those posts or new ideas regarding Sustainability on Engineering Wellness, including more on renewable energy.  That subject will overlap, of course,to the more nature blogs as well.

That’s the long overdue explanation for those of you loved readers who do not know me personally (yet), now you know how EngineeringWellness.com came to be.

Love to All,

Michele the Trainer

Part 2 What is LiquidHike.com :  http://liquidhike.com/2019/07/31/what-is-liquidhike-com-the-blogs-of-michele-the-trainer-part-2-liquidhike-com/





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