10 Pounds of Bacon, Toast, Butter and Pancakes…with a Half Banana Please

10 Pounds of Bacon, Toast, Butter and Pancakes…with a Half Banana Please


10 Pounds of Bacon, Toast, Butter and Pancakes…with a Half Banana Please

Unsolved Mystery…Why do we portion the banana?

Why do we portion grapes, but it’s OK to eat a “stack” of 12 pancakes?

Food for Thought;  We don’t realize how brainwashed we are by decades of looking at advertising  breakfast photos.  We’ve been sitting at the counter staring at the back of the cereal boxes for so many years, that we have this imprint in our brain that makes us think of this default breakfast;  eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, hash browns, stack of pancakes.  This is the image branded into our brains from billboard pictures and ads on sides of buses and sunshiny morning commercials throughout our entire lives.

There is always like a half of an apple in the background, or 2 strawberries.  <Unrelated but related, soda & candy, however, are commonly marketed with a plethora of fruit…>

Fast forward to my unique reality, where I’m trying to encourage someone to eat more plant foods at breakfast, or overall.  This boggles my brain frequently, because it’s often difficult to get someone to eat 2 apples, but then a stack of pancakes is considered normal.

If I suggest salad or some vegetables with breakfast, then folks look at me like I’ve got glowing green eyes from another planet, (or at least a rerun of a Fringe episode.)

“Oh the kids had pizza for dinner,” and then I see them offer a half banana.  Who cuts a banana in half after eating a pizza?


I really want to hear your thoughts on this…here are a few of my untested theories:

1.  Are we avoiding throwing away food?

Let’s say that Family 1 buys a lot of packaged food and a bag of apples and the family devours the junkier packaged food first out of habit.

The apples get left behind <awwww> and then go bad.  I can see where this would cause some future apple buying hesitation.  That’s how good apples go bad 😉

2. Breakfast should be yellow?  Is that the reason?  Because breakfast foods should be yellow, evidenced by the stock photo?  But hey, the half banana is yellow.  I’m confuzzled.

3.  Filling little bags?  Fruit doesn’t come in a bag so we use the little bag?  Free the grapes man!  Those snack bags were intended for the junky stuff, not the good stuff.  Since junky cookies come in a bag, we just bring that entire bag and eat that entire 2 rack bag?  Yes I’ve seen it.  You know who you are.

Observe the lunches around you and I would love to know what you see.  I see a lot of mini snack bags with grapes in them.  Those little bags are for the crap food, not the good food!  Eat the entire bunch…really, it’s OK!!!

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